What I did not realize until after I was there, was that there is goals and accountability for the next 16 weeks!
So in addition to working on more pages (more on that later), I have revitalized my goal to post to my blog. I am an email-kinda gal, so transitioning to blogging is a challenge. I hope you will visit my blog periodically - at least to hold me accountable to post at least a couple of times a week.
In return, you will get some great Studio J samples and tips, Classic Scrap booking samples and tips, and reminders of all the workshops and crops I hold. So I hope you will not only check back often, but also provide me some feedback every now and then.
Above is one of the 8 layouts I completed last week. What I love about this layout is that this paper does not exist as actual touch-it feel-it paper. I hear many of you out there cringing about not actually playing with the paper - the cutting, the adhering, the unique smell of a new paper pack. The good thing is that Studio J is not an all or nothing style. I do both the classic and the Studio J depending on my mood, my location, and my patience at the moment for printing different sized pictures.
The paper is from the Magnifique Paper Pack which is great blues and browns. Problem is that I wanted it to match my kids' Christmas portraits so I was able to change the color of the paper with a simple mouse click. So easy, so beautiful!