AH took her first dance lesson today as a trial class. We decided to sign her up for the summer once school is out for 3 lessons a week. Never know if you child will excel in the classes you put them in, but she so loves music and dancing at home. When I told her we were going to a dance class today, she did not even want her after school snack. Instead she insisted that we go dance! I hope her enthusiasm continues once we start classes in June. She also participated with out Mom being in class which is a new first!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Bus Update and Newest Family Member
On Thursday, the day after the bus fiasco, the transportation tried to let us down again. After being told that the bus was running 10 minutes late, we still had no bus 30 minutes later. Of course I got a little snippy and told transportation that we wanted to AA to get at least 5 hours of education in his 10 hour week. I am so glad that our regular bus driver will be back on Monday! Really makes you appreciate a good thing when it is gone for a few days.
On Tuesday last week, my sister had her first baby - a boy named William Arthur. William is not doing real well right now, so please say a prayer for him. He arrived just a few days after his due date, but is currently in NICU for Sepsis, Reflux, and Thrombocytopenia (low platelet count). The whole family hopes that he can come home this Tuesday. AH and I will be visiting him in 10 days as well as my sister.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
AA Goes on His First Field Trip
or as I origianlly was going to call this post, PV school district transportation lost my son today!
The afternoon started with AA's afternoon bus showing up 10 minutes late. I tried to call his regular bus driver to see if there was a problem, but she did not answer her cell phone (I realized she was not working today). I had him half-way loaded into the car to take him to work. The bus driver was a substitute and there was no assistant on the bus. He got on the bus, no problem.
Half an hour later, the school called to see why AA was not in school today. NOT IN SCHOOL? I put him on the bus, so he should be there. The admin person said she would check back with his class to see what the mix-up was and call me RIGHT BACK. Half hour later I had not heard from her. So I called. She said that Transportation should have called me. Now I am thinking maybe there was a bus crash. But no. AA had fallen asleep on the bus and was never taken off the bus. The school loaded more students to take home (the 1:30 run). AA was never taken off the bus. The bus driver would be bringing him back after she did the stop she was nearing. The school said they would call me as soon as AA was back to school.
So I used the time to call the Supervisor as Transportation to find out why I had never been called and why this had happened in the first place. He said he did not know that Transportation was suppose to call me, but that he knew of the issue and would research (speak to the substitute driver) and get back to me.
Since I had to get AH from school, I called DH every 15 minutes to see if he had heard from the school yet. Our regular bus driver (cell phone call earlier) called me eventhough I had not left a message. I told her the whole story. Of course she was not surprised he had fallen asleep as he does this most days for a little cat-nap. I asked her why it should be so hard to count x number of students on the bus and x number of students off. Or the very lease to look through the bus after all the kids off-load. I mean, it is a short bus with very few seats and these kids have some issues which is why they qualify for transportation in the first place!
Finally at 3:25 (5 minutes before school was over), I called the school to talk to the admin who had said she would call me back when AA got to school. But instead I found out that she had gone for the day!! The person answering the phone said that AA had been at school for about 30 minutes and sympathized with my concerns (polite way to describe my end of the conversation).
Anyway, AA's teacher called me about 15 minutes later to see how I was and to add her appologies. She is soooo upbeat, she said that he had just been on a "field trip" and was in good spirits when he got to school at 2:45. He had had a snack, socialzed and went potty on his own.
Thirty minutes later the Director of transportation called me to follow up. Again, very applogetic and said that they had learned something new in the way they were handling the kids. Love being the issue that sparks change!! Anyway, our regular bus driver had called him based on our conversation earlier in the day - he said she felt just horrible that the whole thing had happened (and she was not even involved).
Fortunately they have assigned a different (better) substitute for tomorrow, so I am not going to keep him off the bus. But the whole thing was very nerve racking to the least. Wonder why I am so against putting him on a big bus for kindergarten with kids ranging from 5 to 10, no seatbelts, and no assistant!
I asked AA about his bus adventure, and it had very little effect on him. He just told me that he was on the bus for a long time before he got to school. But once he was there, so were all his friends:)
The afternoon started with AA's afternoon bus showing up 10 minutes late. I tried to call his regular bus driver to see if there was a problem, but she did not answer her cell phone (I realized she was not working today). I had him half-way loaded into the car to take him to work. The bus driver was a substitute and there was no assistant on the bus. He got on the bus, no problem.
Half an hour later, the school called to see why AA was not in school today. NOT IN SCHOOL? I put him on the bus, so he should be there. The admin person said she would check back with his class to see what the mix-up was and call me RIGHT BACK. Half hour later I had not heard from her. So I called. She said that Transportation should have called me. Now I am thinking maybe there was a bus crash. But no. AA had fallen asleep on the bus and was never taken off the bus. The school loaded more students to take home (the 1:30 run). AA was never taken off the bus. The bus driver would be bringing him back after she did the stop she was nearing. The school said they would call me as soon as AA was back to school.
So I used the time to call the Supervisor as Transportation to find out why I had never been called and why this had happened in the first place. He said he did not know that Transportation was suppose to call me, but that he knew of the issue and would research (speak to the substitute driver) and get back to me.
Since I had to get AH from school, I called DH every 15 minutes to see if he had heard from the school yet. Our regular bus driver (cell phone call earlier) called me eventhough I had not left a message. I told her the whole story. Of course she was not surprised he had fallen asleep as he does this most days for a little cat-nap. I asked her why it should be so hard to count x number of students on the bus and x number of students off. Or the very lease to look through the bus after all the kids off-load. I mean, it is a short bus with very few seats and these kids have some issues which is why they qualify for transportation in the first place!
Finally at 3:25 (5 minutes before school was over), I called the school to talk to the admin who had said she would call me back when AA got to school. But instead I found out that she had gone for the day!! The person answering the phone said that AA had been at school for about 30 minutes and sympathized with my concerns (polite way to describe my end of the conversation).
Anyway, AA's teacher called me about 15 minutes later to see how I was and to add her appologies. She is soooo upbeat, she said that he had just been on a "field trip" and was in good spirits when he got to school at 2:45. He had had a snack, socialzed and went potty on his own.
Thirty minutes later the Director of transportation called me to follow up. Again, very applogetic and said that they had learned something new in the way they were handling the kids. Love being the issue that sparks change!! Anyway, our regular bus driver had called him based on our conversation earlier in the day - he said she felt just horrible that the whole thing had happened (and she was not even involved).
Fortunately they have assigned a different (better) substitute for tomorrow, so I am not going to keep him off the bus. But the whole thing was very nerve racking to the least. Wonder why I am so against putting him on a big bus for kindergarten with kids ranging from 5 to 10, no seatbelts, and no assistant!
I asked AA about his bus adventure, and it had very little effect on him. He just told me that he was on the bus for a long time before he got to school. But once he was there, so were all his friends:)
Sunday, March 23, 2008
And, Happy Easter!

Despite all the excitement at the restaurant this weekend (see post below). We did have a fabulous Easter today. We were lucky to be able to celebrate with Brenda and her family - thank you Brenda! The kids a great time eating, playing, hunting easter eggs, and taking pictures. Here is our family picture for you to enjoy.
Weekend Burglery Attempts

Well we were the unfortunate victims of not one but two burglery attempts this weekend at the restaurant. Saturday morning someone tried to break our side door (first by cutting the glass in a circle and then etching the X inside the duct tape). They were able to cut the metal door jam and pull the door open. Of course that sounded the alarm so they did not try to enter the building. I spent Saturday morning from 5:30 am until 9:30 am in my pajamas (yes, had to give my report to the police in my unbrushed, unwashed, pajama best) since once I was at the restaurant I couldn't leave - the door would not close.
Spent over $900 to get the door glass replaced on Saturday and the door jam bent back to be able to close the door (will be repaired later in the week). So since the door jam was bent out of place, we were not surprised that the alarm sounded two times Sunday morning because their was give between the door and the door jam. When the morning paper was delivered, it set the alarm off. Then later in the morning we assumed the heavy winds bounced the door or perhaps a customer attempting to enter.
But we were wrong. The window right next to my NEW door had been smashed in. The losers even redamaged my NEW door! They also bent the door frame above the door so now the landlord has to see what he has to do to fix the structure of the building.
We thought it was only us who was being targeted. But the restaurant/bar down the street was hit mid-day today. The cops at least saw the guy drive off, but did not catch him. I so hope they find the creep(s) soon!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Happy Late St Patrick's Day
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Happy Gotcha Day AA!
Today we celebrated AA's 3rd Gotcha day - the court made us a family in a very nervous but rewarding meeting in Tula. It was a low key day, but we had a nice dinner out. Here is one of our pictures. I wanted to post a picture from 3 years ago, but they are on another PC. I will try to dig it out later.
We also weighed and measured the kids today. AA outweighs his sister again (it has been over 6 months to get here) - 34.5 lbs. A huge change from the 19 lbs. 3 years ago. He is now 41" tall. AH weighs 33.5 lbs. - down a few pounds from 7 months ago, but she is getting such tall, thin legs. She is now 39" tall.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
AH Goes Back to School
Well after suffering through a migraine all day yesterday, my energy level was back in full force today. I took AH to school today after she missed Monday (she only attends M, W, R). Her classroom was relocated during the winter break to a room twice the size of the old one. It looks fabulous!! And AH was so great about going to school today. She walked into the room, sat down on the bench next to some friends, and started chatting away! A big first for her. Hopefully the months and months of screaming resistance are over!
AH woke Monday with one eye swollen, no problems on Tuesday, but the other eye was swollen today. We are really worried that she is finally showing signs of allergies thanks to her dad. She does not complain, but her nose has been running for over 3 weeks now. We hope it does not progress into asthma (another potential gift from dad).
I ventured out this evening to try to replace AH's favorite blanket lost while in Cabo last week. Unfortunately I did not find a suitable replacement. Even worse, I found the after Christmas sale at Big Lots!! So many great finds for so little money. After having to do 20 teacher and therapist gifts this year, I was so happy to find some great sale prices on gift boxes for next year. Of course the really good pricing on crackers did not help either. I also found valentine's day gifts for the kids as well as items for them to exchange in their classes. A few items for my secret sister found their way into my cart.
Then I was off to Ross and found some great valentine's day items for my secret sister! No blanket though!
Got a great deal on a newly release Crop-a-dile 2 tool for scrapbooking tonight on HSN. Cannot wait for it to get here in early February. They promise that they have the exclusive release of this item. I have NEVER bought anything without waiting to hear what others think. But I did want the original for Christmas and did not receive it.
AA had a good day - enjoyed school and played nicely. His new favorite toy is the bad guy from Toy Story II. Carries it with him everywhere!
AH woke Monday with one eye swollen, no problems on Tuesday, but the other eye was swollen today. We are really worried that she is finally showing signs of allergies thanks to her dad. She does not complain, but her nose has been running for over 3 weeks now. We hope it does not progress into asthma (another potential gift from dad).
I ventured out this evening to try to replace AH's favorite blanket lost while in Cabo last week. Unfortunately I did not find a suitable replacement. Even worse, I found the after Christmas sale at Big Lots!! So many great finds for so little money. After having to do 20 teacher and therapist gifts this year, I was so happy to find some great sale prices on gift boxes for next year. Of course the really good pricing on crackers did not help either. I also found valentine's day gifts for the kids as well as items for them to exchange in their classes. A few items for my secret sister found their way into my cart.
Then I was off to Ross and found some great valentine's day items for my secret sister! No blanket though!
Got a great deal on a newly release Crop-a-dile 2 tool for scrapbooking tonight on HSN. Cannot wait for it to get here in early February. They promise that they have the exclusive release of this item. I have NEVER bought anything without waiting to hear what others think. But I did want the original for Christmas and did not receive it.
AA had a good day - enjoyed school and played nicely. His new favorite toy is the bad guy from Toy Story II. Carries it with him everywhere!
Monday, January 7, 2008
The Best Laid Plans...
Well the first day back to school did not go so smoothly. AH was up at 4 am for a few hours and then went back to sleep until after 9 am. She does not act sick, but her eye was swollen and her nose continues to run (over 3 weeks now).
We had a nice morning anyway - ran a few errands, had lunch and then she napped as usual. Swelling was down by night-fall, so we will try again on Wednesday!
We had a nice morning anyway - ran a few errands, had lunch and then she napped as usual. Swelling was down by night-fall, so we will try again on Wednesday!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Ready to Start our 2008 Schedule
Well we have finished out our week resting, doing laundry, and readjusting to household life. Hopefully we are all well rested from our vacation and are ready to return to school. Of course Mom and Dad have already returned to work this past week, but it will be nice to have the whole family on the same schedule.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Happy New Year!
Well one of my resolutions this year is to post photos for family and friends to see and to keep our blog updated. So here is our first official post.
We arrived home from Mexico Wednesday night after a wonderful 7 day vacation in Cabo San Lucas. Everyone had a blast!! We were able to horseback ride, take boat ride (too cold for us to actually snorkle), walk on the beach, swim in the pool and ocean (a little), watch movies, and relax a little. The unlimited food was great.
We traveled with Peter's immediate family - 13 of us in all.
We arrived home from Mexico Wednesday night after a wonderful 7 day vacation in Cabo San Lucas. Everyone had a blast!! We were able to horseback ride, take boat ride (too cold for us to actually snorkle), walk on the beach, swim in the pool and ocean (a little), watch movies, and relax a little. The unlimited food was great.
We traveled with Peter's immediate family - 13 of us in all.
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